Here is the graph which is based on data from the National survey of Family Growth, 2002:
This shows why it is important for men to marry virgins, and also the men are not left out of the equation.
The result presented in this article replicate findings from
previous research: Women who cohabitation prior to marriage or who have premarital sex have an increased likelihood of marital disruption. Considering the joint effects of premarital sex and premarital cohabitation, as well as histories of premarital relationships, extends previous research.
The most salient finding from this analysis is that women whose intimate premarital relationships are limited to their husband -either premarital sex alone or premarital cohabitation-do not experience an increased risk of is only women who have more than one intimate premarital relationships who have elevated risk of marital disruptions. This effect is strongest and worse for women who have multiple premarital sex or cohabitation. These findings are consistent with the notion that premarital sex and cohabitation have become part of the normal courtship pattern in almost every part of the world. The world is in big trouble.
This is why divorce is everywhere you turn your eyes. And as Christians you most understand that the you choice you make in who you marry matters a lot mostly if you are a man.
Here is another graph:
Think about this article very seriously if you are opportune to stumble on this site.
God bless you!
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