Thursday, 21 April 2016


The latest statistics on pornography and the church were released by the Barna Group at the
Set Free Summit in Greensboro, NC last week. The existing statistics were daunting enough,
stating that 68% of church going men viewed Porn on
a regular basis.
The latest stats, available in a report called The Porn Phenomenon, reveal that the porn
epidemic is escalating.
Earlier in the year, Josh McDowell who commissioned the research revealed that "Of young
adults 18-24 years old, 76 percent actively – and these are Christians – actively seek out
Additionally, when asked about a friend's porn use, 49% of young adults say that all or most
of their friends view porn regularly.
Porn is now not just a male issue, with 33% of females aged 13-24 using porn regularly.
The church is currently ill equipped to deal with this epidemic. Only 9% of church goers and
7% of Pastors say that they have a program at their church to help those struggling with
But the facts remains that the church is lacking in dishing out the truth from the pulpits. The idea of trying to cover the truth under the umbrella of GRACE, that we are not living by works but by grace. Demonic teachings is killing the church and also making it vulnerable to every demonic vices whereby there's no more difference between the church and the world. This is madness in the highest order!
"If we are going to live anyhow as Christians because of grace then it makes no difference being righteous or evil since we are all going to heaven because we are under grace anyway" But the truth is in Romans 6:1-2 God said we are not to live in sin and expect grace to abound. Is impossible to expect grace to abound when we live in sin but the reverse is the case now when preachers and pastors preach for their belly. May God deliver the church in JESUS name AMEN!

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